So i guess ill explain a little bit about the purpose of this blog. besides the fact that it will be a method to keep random people updated, i think its crucial that it will keep us updated too. sometimes its easier to analyze, and process things through writing. as to what should we update on is up to you and me :)but im hoping it will be more than just things we did throughout the day. anyways, to start things off:
my dad woke me up this morning and he was saying how it was 1 pm and that i missed church, so i just went back to sleep but my sister alarm clock started ringing. it happened that my dad lied to me and it was really 10 am. so.... even if i was tricked and lost hope of going to church this morning i got up and went.
i haven't gone to renewal in about 2 weeks ish? and last night i was just thinking how i haven't felt refreshed throughout the weeks. its safe to say that i need worship to keep me sane. i thought there HAS to be something wrong for christian's who don't feel refreshed even if they don't attend sundays cuz after all, God is everywhere and through everything. therefore, if one took the time to spend it meditating, that should equal the time spent at a service. yet i found out this is not the case, and not biblical either.
P. Paul's passage today was about the commadments and how it reflects the importance of obeying them. not obeying them for the sake of getting approval, or rather for the sake of feeling like a holy person; but rather obeying them because we ARE God's people. tis was God's word today.
As i was listening, i realized this is soo true. often i regard christianity as having many doors and exceptions to "rules". especially with my relationship with people as well and of course our relationship is no exception. to make things clearer, we know we should live and do some certain things according to the bible, yet I don't because it sounds legalistic, or its not just a big deal. but as Deuteronomy shows, we follow commandments because we ARE God's people, and through this we let the world know we are His. in addition, we remind ourselves that we have a relationship with a father who's real. the commandments are a reflection of who God is, and by us following them shows US who God is, and we are brought deeper into a relationship with him.
Dear God,
I'm sorry that i've failed to act as your child in many ways. i guess sometimes i forget that im your child. sometimes i don't feel like your child, especially with pains in life. yet you remind me that i need you and can't live this life without you. i can't not go to church and feel ok, and i certainly can't live by my rules because im not my own. but only following your commands satisfies me. this is my prayer for sharon and I. :)
PS: thats what i had for dinner :) which...i had not too long ago.
PS: thats what i had for dinner :) which...i had not too long ago.
Edited by Sharon Suk :) -dae Kim
i've been craving those ribs that you made me for THE LONGEST time!!! will you make them for me again my boyfriend ?
<3 member of GOD'S people hehe
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