Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sharon is still a BABY.

I'm such a baby.

Last night i drove to my freind Jen's place all the way in ridgewood with my freind esther for the FIRST time on the highway. I felt SOO amazing about myself. I felt like I could rule the world. With 3 hours of sleep, I arrived safely at home to greet some lovely people who came to visit me. We baked cute cupcakes & even took cute pictures:

With 3 hours of sleep, i was EXHAUSTED and was about to tuck myself into bed when my brother asked me to accompany him for dinner at 2am. yes, 2 in the a to the m.

We drove to Pho and had a good meal, saw an old couple doing things i did not want to see. SO anxious to just pass out on my bed, i went 54 on a 25 mile zone & got a speeding ticket& 5 points. It's my firstest ticket ever and I was SO upset.

Let me just say, that right now, I hardly have enough money to feed myself :( Getting a ticket really was the fly on my melting ice cream.

I emailed my mom (who has been on vacation for the past 1.5 months) about my ticket. I think i apologized about 7 times throughout the email. and I started to sob when I wrote the last line of the email: 엄마 보고싶어 (mom I miss you).

I'll be honest, I'm still a kid at heart. I demand respect and get offended when my parents do not treat me like an adult, but at times like these, I wish they could forget all the times I asked them to see me as an adult, and treat me like a blameless kid again. I'm still a kid who needs a hug from her mom after a long day, a heartbreak.. or a ticket. A "it's going to be okay" from my mom makes the world a better place. It is the most comforting feeling EVER. I feel invincible. & thats all i really wanted tonight.

Dear God,
Father? I know Christmas isn't about presents, but all i REALLY wanted for christmas this year were my parents. Lord God, thank you SO much for them. Through them, you demonstrate great Love and remind me that you have a love that is even greater and unimaginable for me. Help me to make you more real in my life, so that I can feel just as comforted through your words as I am with my parents'. I pray you keep them safe & healthy & happy and please bring them back to us SOON. & thank you for great friends & fellowship. I really don't take it for granted. I love you.

Love, your daughter Sharon

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