Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Father's Cry.

Dear Umma,
i miss you so much and i wish i could be there holding your hand through all of this but umma, I am learning to worry less about you because God has been reminding me through every way, that He loves you more than I can ever love you. & more than anyone, He is hurting most that you are suffering but He's willing to allow it to bring you closer to Him. Umma! be healed in His name & fear nothing for our God has overcome even Death! Even though He can't solve every problem in our life, He has solved the greatest problem & bought us salvation with His holy blood. Lets find strength in that!! Tomorrow is a new morning with new mercies! Umma be STRONG, comforted, and happy in HIS name. I love you so much.

Dear Appa,
It's been so long since i've talked to you and I miss you a lot.. I'm so sorry.. Appa God loves you so much & it hurts him to see you suffering and ignoring Him. Lift all your heavy burdens, anxiety, and guilt to Him, appa. Stop living like Christ never came to die for us. Stop living like He never rose from the dead because HE DID! When He did, ALL our SINS were washed AWAY. & we don't need to live like prisoners of our own sinfulness anymore! Appa, find FREEDOM in God.... I love you so much even when i feel like i can't anymore.

Dear David,
I am so blessed and encouraged by you. Through you I am reminded that our God LIVES and is working in ways i can never imagine. I hope you were encouraged by the message today! I was so happy we got to worship Him side by side at church. I hope through the message you were reminded at how much He loves you. & that through the death of Jesus, we are washed of ALL our sins. That His love for us is infinite, and through that we can confidently approach His throne. That we do not need to be anxious is ANYTHING BUT the Lord! Be amazed at His power because He is surely working in you and calling you to commit your entire life to Him. I love you so much.

Dear Daegyu,
Thank you for helping me keep our commitment for the lent season. I'm thankful that you are willing to sacrifice our time together to spend it with God. I hope that you too were blessed by the sermon today. I know that you've been struggling for a while about your future/college career. How you felt worthless and that compared to everyone else, you had nothing to show off. It was amazing how God was speaking to your heart today. I pray that you will really be reminded of how INFINITELY RICH you are in Him. That we need to start looking at things in the Kingdom perspective rather than our narrow minded view. Reading your previous entry really hurt my heart. But i hope you will ask God to free you from the jail that sin has trapped you in. That your heart will soften & overflow with His love. In that freedom, you will be renewed and able to worship God without boundaries. God loves you more than I can ever love you :)

Dear God,
I know you have listened to the prayers I have prayed for them. Lord may each one of them, and myself, be reminded about the crucial weapons you have given us. I pray we will not be foolish and be defeated by every battle right before us. But i pray you will help us to use PRAYER and your WORD to overcome our struggles. Thank you for loving us so much.. I am in awe of you.

I pray in your son Jesus' name, AMEN

Love, your daughter, sister, and girlfriend

ps: song on repeat : YAHWEH

1 comment:

sunnie lim. said...

sharonnn. you're so very encouraging. <3 <3 <3