Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brand New

Lamentations 3:22-23

22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

It's been a long day, so i'll try to keep this short. Last night was a really painful night for me, as you can see in my previous entry. I cried for about 3 hours and woke up this morning with a pounding headache. But rather than becoming even more depressed, today was one of the most JOYFUL days of MY LIFE. My prayers were answered through my brother today. I'll write more in detail about this next time but.. Praying with my brother today & talking with my mom after her prayer time, which was ironically during the SAME TIME my brother & i prayed, I have come to understand even better God's GREAT LOVE and FAITHFULNESS to our family :) When your living for God, you can feel shattered one moment, but through prayer He makes you brand new again. He gives you a kind of joy & comfort this world cannot offer!

Dear God,

I PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME. Your plans are perfect and your love and faithfulness are unconditional and more than abundant. Father thank you so much for helping my brother come to the point of finally desiring a personal relationship with you. I saw you shining through him today and I was SO blessed and excited to see him realizing what he needs to pray for. Thank you that even through these hard times, you have lead my mom to pray prayers of thanksgiving. The world may call us crazy, but Lord, we celebrated today. According to this world, our lives are falling apart, and we should be mourning. But today, WE CELEBRATE your name and our circumstance because we know we are in GOOD HANDS, YOUR PERFECT HANDS. In all circumstances, we praise your name Lord. HALLELUJAH! Lord help us to remain faithful & be anxious in NOTHING but you.

Love, Sharon

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