Monday, December 27, 2010

Happiness at Home


Currently, i'm home for Christmas & the holiday season. I've been taking lots of pictures of the food i've been grilling & baking. I've also been taking pictures of friends, family, and our beautiful home. Today, although there is so much on my mind, I'm just going to share some pictures that make me happy :) Hope you'll enjoy them too!

pretty measuring cups from Anthopologie :)

walnuts for my Russian Tea Cakes

Fresh out of the oven, powdering those babies with sugar! mmmm!

prepping them for a christmas eve tea party :)

packaging some for friends at church :)

Christmas Eve dinner/tea party with friends

my friends! aren't they beautiful?

Yes, call me corny, but this is what i wore to church on christmas :)
(jcrew coat, bracelet, necklace, shirt - Juicy red velvet blazer)

Christmas dinner I cooked for my family
(Steak, potatos/onions/mushrooms, grape&walnut salad)

The-Day-After-Christmas Snowfall :) with mama

A HUGE TUB of bibimbap after sauna :) mm

Writing thank you cards to sweet parents at Beginnings with a cup of mint chocolate cocoa :)

What i wake up to at home :)

Currently reading: Redeeming Love

Dear God,
Thank you for giving me a home! a home I can return to after a long and exhausting semester. A home with family that loves me and that I can pray with. But most of all, during this christmas season, thank you for giving us Jesus, your one and only son to be born for us, even when you knew the kind of death He had to die for us. I know i say this every christmas, but I pray that you'll remind me of His birth, death, and resurrection everyday instead of just the christmas season. And as i am reminded, may that be the truth i find strength and hope in, no matter the circumstances. Lord I know I ask a lot from you. But in the end, please know, that all I really want is to be pleasing to you. So help me God, to live for you and only you.

Love, your daughter Sharon

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